The Charles County Department of Social Services is an agency of 150 people who are committed to the citizens of Charles County.  That commitment requires that we actively and aggressively pursue growth and embrace change to streamline how we do our work.  A new picture of the future of Social Services exists and is captured through five visioning statements that focus our efforts.  Each statement, together and jointly, lay out our path to a future of timely, person-centered service to our customers.

  1. We use data to assess what we do (compliance and quality), to identify gaps in programs (quality and needs), and design program improvements in order to provide the best service to internal and external clientele.
  2. All available technology will be used to make our work easier (more efficient) and more effective. Effective means services are more accessible to our internal and external clientele.
  3. We create and maintain empowering and positive relationships with partners both within and external to the Agency in order to best serve the community and our clientele.
  4. Staff come together in a culture of service,  self-expression and experimentation to identify and solve real problems for internal and external clientele.
  5. Our Agency is a learning environment where people continue to develop and expand themselves, their skills and their careers.

This website is both an information vehicle to those wanting to access services and benefits and a communication tool where you can see “how well we do what we do” (performance measures), what our initiatives and new programs are,  how to volunteer with us, join our Advisory Board, register for community events, link to our partners and much more.

Thank you for visiting us.  I hope you come back often.